SSC Exams

Once you are done and finish your studies and want to have a better job, it is best for you to take SSC competitive examinations.  Although this may not the only basis to land a good job, as you still need to comply also with other requirements like interviews and completion and submission of documentary requirements.
There are various Staff Selection Commission Competitive Examinations that you can choose to take depending on your education background and on the career that you want to build up.  These include the following:
  • Graduate Level Combined Examination: Actually this comes in three categories.  It stars with preliminary examination, followed by Group A-main examination and Group B-main examination. The preliminary examination is needed before you qualify to take the main examination.  This is open for college graduates who opt to land a career for assistants and sub inspectors.  Once you want to level up and passed the preliminary exams you will have a chance to take the main examinations. The groupings of A and B pertain to the grouping of employment item.
  • Matric Level Combined Examination:  This type of examination is also composed of the preliminary examination and main examination.  This is only limited to Indian nationals.  You need to pass the preliminary examination before you can take the main examination.
  • Sub-Inspector (Executive) in Delhi Police Exam:  This is open for those who wanted to join the elite team of the Delhi Police.  This type of SSC competitive examinations has an age limit between twenty years old to twenty five years old only.  However, former servicemen who were in the army, navy or air force of the Indian Union will be allowed to take out from their age the period they have given in serving the country.
  • Investigator Examination:  If you are interested in the jobs of Sherlock Holmes, surely this one is for you.  You need to submit your complete biographical profile.  The examination is an objective type with multiple choice questions.
  • Transmission Executive Examination:  If you want to become a Transmission Executive, you need to pass this examination.  This position comes with good pay and benefits.  You will be required to answer general intelligence questions, English proficiency and general awareness.
  • Senior Observers Examination: This is divided into written and practical examinations.  If you want to be Senior Observer, then this one is for you.  The position calls not just to have a very good skill in observing and monitoring road problems.  Once you get the position you will also be required to provide solutions to road problems.
Other SSC competitive examinations include Hindi Translators Examination, Information Assistants Examination and Inspector-Narcotics.  Remember to check which position you would like to apply for and prepare yourself to pass a specific examination for you.
More information about Staff Selection Commission Exams:
Graduate Level Combined Examination-Preliminary Examination
Information and Guide on How to Finish the Graduate Level Combined Examination – Preliminary Part:
The graduate level combined examination – preliminary part is your first step to be qualified to take the main exam. This test is conducted once every year – normally during the month of October. Any college graduate can apply for this given that you qualify for the following age limit. Please refer to the list below:
20 – 27 – for Assistants and Sub inspectors.
18 – 27 – for the other posts.
The graduate level combined examination – preliminary part is composed of a written exam type. It has two divisions with a total of 200 multiple choice questions. Half of it will be questions related to general awareness and intelligence while the other half is composed of math question.  The questions are written in English and Hindi and you have to finish it within two hours.
This graduate level combined examination – preliminary part is conducted by the Staff Selection Commission or the SSC whose purpose is to fill the following positions in the different government agencies. However, in order to be fully eligible to take the posts, you will have to pass the main test which is divided into 2 schemes.
To know the different posts you can achieve after passing the test, please refer to the list below:
Posts for Scheme A:
  • Assistants
  • Assistants under the central Secretariat
  • Railway Board Secretariat
  • Election Commission of India
  • Armed Forces
  • Inspectors for income tax, CBEX, Preventive officers, Examiners, Sub Inspectors
Posts for Scheme B:
  • Division Accountants
  • Auditors
  • Junior Accountants
  • Upper Division Clerks
  • Central Government Officers
If you are taking the graduate level combined examination – preliminary part, take some time to browse through the whole booklet to somehow have an idea how much time do you think will you need to finish it on time. Check the number of question and divide it to the amount of time given to finish the entire test. That way, you are sure to manage your time well by knowing how much you can stay in one question. Skip questions that you don’t know then just go back once you are done with all of the questions. That way, you are able to answer all easy questions first because the exam will be a mix of questions that will be distributed evenly. Answer the easy questions as fast as you can so you will still have time for the ones that you left behind.

Graduate Level Combined Examination-Main Examination (Group A)
Graduate Level Combined Examination-Main (Group A)
To be able to work in some government agencies in India, Indians first have to take the Graduate Level Combined Examination (CGLE) conducted by the Staff Selection Commission or the SSC. This examination is required by the government of India because they can’t just hire anyone without knowing their skills. It is the same in all governments where you still have to pass the civil service examination before being accepted in a government agency.
This examination is held every year. Interested applicants will choose which job positions they want in a list given. Jobs like inspectors, assistants, and the like are the most common jobs included here. In some jobs however, they require that you have a certain degree or education to be accepted. There are also jobs with an age range from 18-27 years old.
For the 2011 Group A jobs (higher pay but more difficult to get accepted) available, these are the details:
Name of Post
Pay Band (PB) & Grade Pay (GP)
Central Govt. Ministries/ Department (CSS Cadre)
Assistant (CSS)
Group “B”
Central Govt. Ministries/ Department other than CSS Cadre
Assistant in other Central Govt. Ministries/ Departments/CVC etc.
Group “B”
Inspector of Posts
Group “B”
Inspector, Central Excise/Preventive Officer/Examiner
Group “B”
Sub Inspectors
Group “C”
Inspector of Income Tax
Group “C”
Directorate of Enforcement
Assistant Enforcement Officer
Group “C”
CAG Offices
Divisional Accountant
Group “C”
M/o Statistics & Prog. Implementation
Statistical Investigator Gr. II
Group “B”
The SSC did major changes in the CGLE starting from 2010. Now applicants only need one application for many posts. They have a multiple-tier selection process and they changed their questions to be more objective.
The exam has different categories and topics that are covered. Applicants must answer correctly questions and problems on categories like arithmetic, quantitative aptitude, mental ability and reasoning, general awareness, and many more. The exam is divided into parts where the applicants will answer for an hour or two. It depends on the group and category on how long the exam will be.
To apply for the CGLE you have to choices: offline or online. You can choose whether you will apply with paper and submit it or do it online in SSC’s website.

Graduate Level Combined Examination-Main Examination (Group B)
In many examinations held in India by the Selection Commission, there are important qualifications that a candidate should possess in order to make it in the list. The qualifications required for every candidate varies depending on the type of examination and position one is aspiring for. In case of the Graduate Level Combined Examination- Main Examination (Group B), you need to fill the following credentials before you are shortlisted for the main examination. In addition, you should note that before getting this far, you are supposed to undergo the preliminary examinations; once pass the said exam that’s when you proceed to the main exam.
Qualifications for the Graduate Level Combined Examination- Main Examination (Group B) is similar to that of the preliminary examination which includes the age, nationality, and other standards that need to be met.
The fee for the Graduate Level Combined Examination- Main Examination (Group B) is Rs 60 (Sixty Rupees). Any additional fees collected are already not part of the examination guidelines.
In the examination scheme, expect that you will be given a conventional type of exam and you will need to write two papers. The first paper is divided into two parts; part A will revolve around General English and will be given 50 points and part B will revolve around General Studies which can be answered in English or in Hindi and will also be given 50 points; the part A exam is given two hours. The second paper will be on Arithmetic; again in this part you will be given a chance to answer in English or in Hindi, which ever you please and you will also be given two hours to finish in this part. Furthermore, the second paper will get a perfect score of 100 points.
The general instructions for the Graduate Level Combined Examination- Main Examination (Group B) states that the candidate should write the answers by hand; no other entity to write the paper or form of writing is accepted. Keep track of every single question because there are questions that need you to answer making use of the numeric form or numbers; this is very important because there have been several candidate who were eligible for the job but during this part of the examination they failed because they were not following instructions. Finally, during the exam proper, no candidate is allowed to make use of any electronic device in the Examination Hall and that includes the use of calculators.

Matric Level Combined Examination-Preliminary Examination
Understanding the Matric Level Combined Examination- Preliminary Examination Details:
During the month of May, the Staff Selection Commission schedules a Matric Level Combined Examination- Preliminary Examination as a part of the process of selecting applicants who want to qualify for the Main Examinations for the selected job vacancies.
But before you apply for the Matric Level Combined Examination- Preliminary Examination, take note that there are specific qualities that you have to be able to fulfill which include the following:
Nationality: you should be able to qualify for the nationality as defined in the Constitution based in India and not in other countries. This is very important because the vacant office positions are specified for Indian nationals alone.
Age Limit: In order to be qualified as a candidate for the Matric Level Combined Examination- Preliminary Examination, you should not be less than 28 years old and not more than 27 years old as of August 1 before the current year of examinations. In addition, in case you are found to be more than 27 years old, you can be allowed to apply as long as the rules contained in the rule book for such cases can excuse your age; other factors can also alter this information.
Examination Fee: just like in any examination, you have to pay for the examination fee. The fee to be collected by the Indian Postal Orders is Rs 50 (Fifty Rupees); this is the standard amount so you are not to be collected with an amount more than the stated figures. Payments can also be via Central Recruitment Fee Stamps.
Center of Examination: You, as the candidate have the responsibility to check only one center for the examination. After finalizing your schedule, you cannot be allowed to move your schedule to another venue; which is why it is very essential that before submitting your forms you are sure of your decisions.
In the Matric Level Combined Examination- Preliminary Examination, expect that the question types are either objective type questions, multiple choice, and matching type. This is the variety that you should expect which means that you are to review questions which are under the said test types in order to sharpen your mind and your ability in answering such questions before the preliminary examination. Remember that you have to make it through this examination before you are admitted to the main examination and before you get a slot to work under the job type that you chose.

Matric Level Combined Examination-Main Examination
Applying for the Matric Level Combined Examination- Main Examination:
Once you make it through the Matric Level Combined Examination- Preliminary Examination, you will already be given authority to apply for the Matric Level Combined Examination- Main Examination which is usually held after the shortlisted applicants for the job vacancies are released. Since you were already able to submit the application forms needed before you even applied for the preliminary exam, there is no need to provide the same documentation during the main examination. But there is a specified application form that you need to submit to the Regional Director in order to confirm that you are pushing through with the main examination.
If in the preliminary examination you were only assigned topics on the following subjects: General Intelligence (100 points) and General Awareness (100 points); expect that there is a variation when it comes to the Matric Level Combined Examination- Main Examination because you will need to prove that you think above the other examinees.
In addition, in the Matric Level Combined Examination- Main Examination, be reminded that the schemes that will be utilized for the exam will be advertised in a separate manner. Furthermore, the type of examination that you should expect is under the descriptive category. Before you go to your chosen testing area, take note that you should have the certificate from the Commission stating that you are allowed to be admitted at the testing area in hand; otherwise, you will not be allowed to enter and take the test.
As an additional information, you should also be reminded that once you qualify for the Matric Level Combined Examination- Main Examination, you will need to undergo a Typewriting Test or sometimes a Stenography Test depending on the position that you are trying to fill in. The details as to which type of side examination you will be undertaking will be published and can be found on the Notice of the Main Examinations; so be sure to always check the page once you are already aware that you qualify for the main exams.
The details regarding the procedure on how they select the candidates can be found on the Staff Selection Commission’s office. Sometimes, they also include the detailed list once you have showed interest in applying for the vacant positions. Also, be reminded that not everyone who makes it to the main examination is granted a position because there are overwhelming numbers of applicant per opening period.

Sub-Inspector (Executive) in Delhi Police Exam
Guidelines before Taking the Sub-Inspector (Executive) in Delhi Police Exam:
Do you wish to be a member of the elite team of the Delhi Police? If so, you can apply for a Sub-Inspector (Executive) in Delhi Police Exam, a type of test that is part of the recruitment process before you get hired. Staff Selection Commission of India is the particular agency responsible for giving the test to aspiring applicants.
However, before you become an examinee, you have to be eligible. There are requirement you have to comply with before you are able to get a schedule of the exam and be allowed to apply. You would have to be a legal citizen of India and have a minimum educational attainment of a Bachelor’s degree earned from a recognized university.
Furthermore, there is an age limit of twenty to twenty-five years old. But the upper age limit is relaxable for special cases. These special cases include those that belong to a scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe category. In this case, the upper age limit is relaxable up to five years. Second, those who belong to an OBC category are given a maximum of three years for the maximum upper limit adjustment.
And a candidate must provide sufficient proofs, namely the Central List and the List issued by the Government of NCT of Delhi.
Former servicemen, who served in the army, navy or air force of the Indian Union without regards to their rank, are permitted to deduct the period they allotted in serving their country to their age. The resultant age should not exceed the given age limit. If it does, there can only be three age years addition to the upper limit. Last but not the least, athletes with distinction who represented a state at the national level and India in international competitions is given a maximum of five years when it comes to their allowed age adjustment. These are the special cases that are stated in the rules and regulations so to give accommodation to anyone who is interested from any field and to provide a just system to all aspiring candidates.
Please take note of the said exemptions before applying for Sub-Inspector (Executive) in Delhi Police Exam
The Sub-Inspector (Executive) in Delhi Police Exam consists of two sets of tests that you would have to answer within four hours. The first set of questions is about general intelligence and reasoning, general awareness and numerical ability. It is composed of four hundred marks and you would have to answer all of them within a two-hour time. It is an objective type of test consisting of multiple choices. The second part of the examination is on Hindi and English language with two equal marks for the total of two hundred marks.  Like the first paper, you are required to finish this within two hours. The total hours all in all for Sub-Inspector (Executive) in Delhi Police Exam is four hours with the total items of four hundred marks.
These are some of the important key points that you must take into account before applying for the post. More luck to your Sub-Inspector (Executive) in Delhi Police Exam, candidate!

Investigators Examination
Pave Your Career Path and Take the Investigators Examination:
Does crime investigating series interest you? Do you like solving crimes—so much that you find yourself formulating hypothesis and conclusions to not yet solved cases and unsolved cases in your community? If yes, then have you might just be fit to travel the career road that leads to becoming a successful investigator someday. Why not try taking the Investigators Examination?
To apply, just complete a registration form that is given to you by your NIE liaison contact. Here, you will write down your background data such as your biographical profile which includes simple information such as your name, civil status and gender. This is simply taken as a candidate profile and will not be used as a basis for passing the test. It will only be relevant in matching the requirements needed for your eligibility. After filling it up, you would return the form to the NPIA via delivery, faxing, or electronic mail. Beforehand, give a warning to your NIE liaison if you plan to finally submit your application for an examination.
The Investigators Examination is an objective type of examination consisting of multiple-choice questions. The exam will test your knowledge regarding the law and procedure important to the duties and responsibilities of a trainee investigator. This is the first phase of the Initial Crime Investigators’ Development Program. The exam will be composed of eighty questions that you must be able to answer within the time period of two hours.
Before being eligible to take the Investigators Examination and become a candidate for the post, you would need to meet the standards set by the agency. A candidate must be a legal citizen of India, a subject of Nepal, a subject of Bhutan or a Tibetan refugee who went to India before January 1 of 1962 with the purpose of settling down in India. Last but not the least, you can be eligible if you have an Indian origin who migrated from other countries such as  Burma, Sri Lanka, Malawi, Zambia, Uganda, Zaire and Vietnam who would be permanently settling down in India.  These other candidates must have a certificate of eligibility coming from the Government of India.
For Investigators Examination, should be ages twenty to twenty-eight years old as of August of the year examination. With the educational attainment, qualified applicants should have a degree with Mathematics, Statistics or Economics taken from a recognized university. Others with Honours Degree should have the said subjects as the main subject in their course and not as minor or subsidiary subjects. Candidates should be able to read, write and communicate the state language. It is also a must for candidates to be able to understand other regional languages. One must be also capable to perform strenuous outdoor work and possess physical strength and endurance.
These are some of the things you have to bear in mind before applying for an Investigators Examination. Remember to fully comply with the above mentioned requirements so that your application process will be bump-free. Good luck on your exam!

Transmission Executive Examination
Transmission executive examination is often conducted once a year in India. This is the main gateway in order for aspiring Indians to get the post of Transmission executive. It is somehow significant to take note of the components of the examination because this will be the basis of passing. A good passing score or grade is a ticket to getting this wonderful position which many people have been dying to get. This also means that when you get the position, everything else follows from good pay to good benefits. In any case, mastery of the subject is a must and it calls for review and dedication to studying.
The transmission executive examination is composed of several parts such as general intelligence, English language and general awareness. Each part has certain significance that they cannot be removed from the exam. The first one talks of the basics in understanding things such as knowing relationships and relevance of ideas and the likes. This may also refer to the term they call “common sense” which is somehow not so common to many people. General intelligence is a good basis for companies to know if you are a person who can be relied on and has the natural tendency to be responsive on things which need immediate action which does not call for supervisor’s advice. It is more or less deducing ideas from the events already.
The other part of the transmission executive examination is the English language. This is a test of your proficiency in English. You can expect a test on grammar and vocabulary or even sentence construction. This is done because the language in itself is considered universal and having much knowledge or having much skill in this is truly an advantage not just for the person who possesses this knowledge but also for the company who shall be hiring. In some parts of the world, proficiency in English has been the main basis for employment and this is why India is requiring for this as well.
The last part in the transmission executive examination is the general awareness which calls for the proper knowledge about the culture or the group or race where you belong as an Indian. This may of course involve history, economics and even science. This is significant because in the different jobs that we may apply to, this topic cannot be avoided. Having no knowledge on this is like not knowing the roots and group where you have come from.
These are the important components of the exam and having said that, much preparation will always be the best answer to this kind of exam to ensure success and good employment.

Senior Observers Examination
Making roads safer through the Senior Observers Examination:
As careful a driver as you may be, accidents cannot be kept from happening once you hit the road. Many other factors could lead anyone to road accidents such as the other reckless drivers beside you, poorly maintained road signs and barriers, sharp turns, and road defects. This is the reason why observers are needed. By being an observer, you don’t just take a look at the road problems but also give the solution to make it safer for motorists. Choosing an observer is done meticulously. In order to select the most skillful among the applicants, they have to undergo the Senior Observers Examination.
There are five things to consider if a person wants to be a taker of the Senior Observers Examination. His membership on both the National IAM as well as the Dewsbury & Batley Group is counted as the first consideration. His ability to work and mingle effectively with the Associates is another. He also must have achieved at least 10 hours of observed runs. In his twelve months in training, his six months must be spent group practical work. He must pass 80% of the exam to qualify as an observer and attain a satisfactory remark in the practical test. Lastly, his application as an observer is still in the hands of the committee. The age range of applicants must be within 20-25 years old and had Physics as one of his major subjects.
The Senior Observers Examination is divided into two parts: the written and the practical exam. The written exam is of objective type and is further divided into two parts. The first part of the written contains 100 items of English language, General Knowledge, and Geography questions. This can be taken for 1 ½ hours. The second part of the written exam contains 200 items of Mathematics and Physics-related question and can be taken for 2 ½ hours.
The practical part of the Senior Observers Examination is given once the examinee passed the written exam. He will be given forty five minutes of demonstration run, ten minutes for the observation commentary, and twenty minutes for the demonstration commentary. The demonstration commentary includes definition of system and traffic rules, turning techniques, observation links, and others. He will also be asked to answer verbally the two situational problems that will be presented to him. Once he passed these, he will be awarded with a certificate.

Hindi Translators Examination
Hindi Translators Examination to produce the most effective Hindi communicators:
Because of the different languages of every country, it became impossible at first to connect them with each other. Good thing English has become the universal language and we all came to understand one another. Though English became a standard language for globalization, every country would still want to introduce their own, including India. To promote the Hindi language and culture to the world, translators are highly needed. Getting the most excellent translators is of great value to make India known to other countries that’s why a special screening must be conducted such as the Hindi Translators Examination is needed.
Certain criteria must be met by interested applicants of the Hindi Translators Examination. As long as the applicant is not over 30 years of age, he can be considered in the application. For applicants who are over thirty years of age, they will still be considered if they are former servicemen, SC, ST, OBT, or PH. However, this will still be reviewed rigidly. Another criterion for qualification is the applicant must hold an English degree or any degree with both Hindi and English as major subjects.
The Hindi Translators Examination consists of two parts: the written and the interview exam. The written examination is still divided into two parts: the General Hindi and General English which consists of 100 items each, and the Translation and Essay. For the Translation and Essay part, the examinee will be given two passages to translate and two essays to work on. Once they passed the written examination, they can then proceed to the interview. Here, they will be screened through personality test.
To give an idea for the Hindi Translators Examination, paper 1, as said above, is the written examination part. General Hindi and General English will be the coverage. The applicant’s skills on proofreading, sentence completion, vocabulary, synonyms and antonyms, grammar, idioms, and sentence construction will be tested. Two hours will be given will be given to the examinee to answer both General Hindi and General English with 100 items each. On the Essay and Translation part, two hours will also be given to complete the two passages to be translated and two essays.
The exam is harder than it looks. Through this difficulty, the state can select the rightful translators who can communicate effectively to other nationalities. With these distinguished people, India will soon be recognized and patronized all over the world.

Information Assistants Examination
Information assistants are those who provide information to people who seek information. They are referred as Paraprofessionals. They are not professional themselves, but they assist professionals. And if you want to become one, you need to undergo Information Assistants Examination.
Paraprofessionals are usually employed in Museums, Airports, Tourist Centers and other places where they needed an assistant to disseminate the information.  One of the work places of Information Assistant is the Library.  The Paraprofessionals in libraries do a lot of tasks in support with the work of a qualified library staff. These positions are usually taken by people who were not able to acquire the qualification to become a professional librarian.
Here is the Educational Qualification for you to become a Paraprofessional.
  • Bachelor’s Degree given by a recognized University
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Library Science
  • Experience equivalent to two years in a library.
  • There are organizations that require a minimum of 2 years experience in Computerization of Library.
  • And must pass the Information Assistant’s Examination
Another requirement is you need to be below 30 years of age, 18 years old to 28 years old is the preferred age.
If you have an experience with a job related to customer service, then you have an advantage, since the job of Paraprofessionals revolves in handling customers. It is also a plus if you have a knowledge in foreign language. You must also be adept with night shifts, as some require it. but first, you need to pass the Information Assistants Examination.
Here is the full job description of a Paraprofessional in a Library Setting.
  • Arrange the new materials being purchased.
  • Check on the status of reservations and loans through a central database
  • If there are over dues, you will issue fines.
  • If there are damaged resources, you will repair them.
  • You shelve the books
  • You undertake the basic enquiry work.
If you present a good work habits and performance, you may have the chance of promotion to the supervisory post. That is if you work in a large library. However, the career prospect for those who did not have the professional qualification is limited.
Here is the overview of the work of Information Assistant in a Library setting. If you are interested, just make sure that you are qualified with the educational qualifications first, and then pass the Information Assistants Examination, to really qualify for the position. Also make sure that you pass with the age requirement.

Inspector Narcotics: The entire globe has definitely suffered from the previous economic recession experienced by most of the earth’s most powerful countries. During this time, many businesses have shut down, homes repossessed, stock markets crashed, and o lot of people lost their jobs due the many companies filing for bankruptcy or cutting operational costs. Up to now, the effects of this recession can still be felt all around the world, even in a country such as India, this leads the younger generation wondering how they could find jobs when almost all the slots are full.
A good way around this problem may be to build a career in the government, police, or military forces, because this is one of the few sectors of the society that still needs people to fill their ranks and can offer good compensation in return. One of the easiest ways to get started in this career path it to apply for an SSC examination, or the staff selection commission of India, in order to be deemed eligible to apply for different  employment fields like being an Inspector-Narcotics division.
The Inspector-Narcotics examination application can be accessed through the different SSC examination websites, aspiring applicants will be able to grab a copy of the application forms within the pages of these sites and they will also see a list of all the other examinations being offered there. Requirements for application may include the following, an applicant must be within 18-27 years of age, the applicant must be male, the applicant must be a graduate of any university course from a registered university, and the applicant must be unmarried.
Once an aspiring applicant for the Inspector-Narcotics test is certain that he possesses all the requirements stated in the websites, the completed application form and the supporting documents can be sent to the examination control office, whether through the post office or through email. A small fee is also charged for the application and the amount must be enclosed with the letter of application when sent through the post office, or paid via online banking when the application was done through email.
Once this has been done, there is nothing else to do but to wait for the final decision which will tell whether or not an applicant is eligible for the Inspector-Narcotics examination, if an applicant is successful, he will be notified through email about the news and given a schedule of the exact exam date and some instructions that should be followed come the examination day.


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